About CAPE


The Civic Alliance for a Prosperous Economy (CAPE), is a political organization founded by Civic Ventures, Working Washington and OneAmerica Votes, dedicated to the principle that prosperity comes from greater economic inclusion, and that the more people we include in our economy, the more the economy will grow. The economy isn’t Wall Street or quarterly reports - it’s people.

Forty years of trickle-down economics - by which we mean tax cuts for the rich, deregulation for businesses, and wage suppression for everyone else - has left us with a fragile economy and pushed thousands of workers and small business owners into the margins. For too long, the super-rich and corporations in the highest stratosphere of our economy have grown their wealth, while the people who actually drive our economy and create growth - working families - have seen rising rents, stagnant wages, and cost increases for health care, child care, and other necessities.

Nowhere is this chasm more evident than in the economic crisis of the last year. Let’s be clear: the COVID-19 pandemic ignited the crash, but it did not cause it. Trickle-down economics, an unmitigated wealth gap, systemic racism, and massive economic inequity created a system that leaves most Americans living paycheck to paycheck while those at the top reap all of the rewards.

As Washington continues its recovery, it’s more critical now than ever that we elect would-be civic superheroes who will help build a more inclusive, prosperous, and resilient economy in the future. CAPE will support candidates who both reject the discredited trickle-down narrative, and who demonstrate a strong commitment to economic policies like:

  1. High Labor Standards. Washington has proven that when workers have more money, businesses have more customers and hire more workers. CAPE supports candidates who protect and expand the power of workers, and will fight to build a higher-wage economy for all. Some examples of these values in policy form are secure scheduling for all workers in Washington and setting labor standards for gig workers, domestic workers, and others who are excluded from existing labor laws.

  2. Broader Economic Inclusion. Forty years of trickle-down economics, an unmitigated wealth gap, systemic racism and massive economic inequity has pushed too many people to the margins. That’s why CAPE supports candidates who appropriately call for policy solutions that support marginalized communities — immigrants, native communities, people of color, and women — fully participating in our economy. Diversity is an economic strength, and the more people who participate in our economy, the more we all prosper. Some examples of these values in policy form include extending rental vouchers to help formerly incarcerated Washingtonians transition back into the economy, prohibiting employers from asking job applicants about their previous salary or wages, expanding benefits to include undocumented workers, and strengthening protections for Washingtonians against medical debt and predatory lending.

  3. High-Quality Public Services. Our economic competitiveness depends on building a broadly inclusive and strong middle class. That is why CAPE supports candidates that bring new energy and ideas to provide housing, healthcare, childcare, education, broadband, and transportation to all our communities. These policies are foundational to re-building a thriving middle-class.

  4. Balancing Our Tax Code. Washington has the most upside-down tax code in the nation. Our lowest-income households pay six times more of their income in taxes than the richest. That is why CAPE will only support candidates who promise to fight for balancing the tax code at the state and local level and who will support new progressive revenue sources to invest in services and infrastructure that lead to thriving and healthy communities.
